Lost in the military view of the Phalanx, however, is the impact it had on the development of the
Greek political system. Indeed, it was also the social leveling force in Greek
society that helped push the Polis into being and sowed the seeds of modern
Our story begins in the Greek Archaic period (800 to 500
B.C.) which saw the development of the Polis as a stable political institution.
But to get to a Polis, we must first weave together the threads of government
and war.
The phalanx was not invented by the Greeks. The earliest
example of the formation was depicted in a Sumerian stone carving from 2,500
B.C. The word phalanx was first used by Homer to describe combat in an organized
battle line as distinguished from combat between individuals. Trouble is we
don’t know what kind of formation Homer was describing, so we can’t know if our
concept of the Phalanx dates from his time.
In the time before the Phalanx, Greek battles were disorganized
affairs consisting of two opposing armies running at each other in a line. Once
the Greeks perfected it, the Phalanx became the default battle formation ancient
armies, until the Romans developed the maniple.
Its political importance is based on the following scenario. At the time the Phalanx came into being, Greek cities contained a mixture of wealthy,
poor, and those rising in economic status -- an emerging middle class. Ruling
kings realized that they could build an army around larger military formations
because more men could now afford to buy the necessary equipment. We can only
speculate about the chicken and egg here. Did the kings coerce at first and
then later the hoplites figured out how to leverage political power, or did the
hoplites refuse to fight unless they were given political rights? I suppose we
can imagine a case where the initial formations were small coerced units which
grew in size when more independent men decided to participate.
Accurate data pinpointing the advent of the Phalanx is elusive. Written evidence is non-existent
so we have to rely of archeology to guide us. The following image, referred to
as the Chigi vase, dates from around 650 B.C.
We might ask how long the phalanx existed before it was
painted on vases, but any answer is only a guess. Certainly the artists had to
be interested in the subject and capable of representing it before it was first
rendered. Unfortunately, the many attempts to validate the dating by translating
the two dimensional formations on pottery into a three dimensional representation
of the Phalanx have not met with much success.
The design of the Phalanx required that all hoplites operate
as a single unit, meaning that each soldier had an equal, and important role,
in the army’s success. Since everyone was an equal, each had the right to
demand political authority when the war was over, because he had made an equal
contribution to victory. This demand for political authority eventually manifested
itself in the strengthening of the legal code, which protected the rights of
the lower classes, and increased their participation in the apparatus of
With the advent of the phalanx, arms buried with the dead
went out of favor because they lost their value as a status symbol. The new middle
class could afford the weapons that would make them equals.
This article was originally posted 8/21/09.
This article was originally posted 8/21/09.
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