During the period of the Republic, fasces were carried by a group of lictors, who accompanied all public officials granted imperium (power of life and death). Included in this group were Praetors, Consuls, Dictators, and Masters of the Horse. The Axe head was not part of the fasces when it was carried through Rome, indicating that only the assembles had power of life or death within the city.
The fasces were probably adopted from the Etruscans, based on the discovery of an ancient Etruscan Fasces in recent times. That fasces featured a two-headed axe which was a common military weapon during the time of the Etruscan civilization.
Fasces were also adopted by the United States as an important symbol of power. They are displayed in the House of Representatives, Oval Office (no axe), on the Seal of the United States, on the Supreme Court Building, and under the hands of Lincoln in his memorial (no axe).
The Fasces were used as a party symbol by Mussolini during his reign as Italian dictator.
that symbol has no business in our house of representatives... in LBJ's autobiographical work there is a photo of LBJ giving his first state of the union address and there is only one fasces installed behind the podium...wtf...sstorch
The angle of that picture only show's one, but if you look at other photos, you'll see there are two, like there's always been.
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